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Tag: Cowboy

Getting to Know Darah Lace (Contest)

Getting to Know Darah Lace (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Melanie Ball! *~*~* I hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July yesterday. I celebrated both the holiday and a mad dash to meet a book deadline (I wrote “The End” last Saturday.) by the pool with my husband and two mini Dachs. They didn’t like the fireworks much. We live in Texas where the first twelve years of my life was spent on a farm until we moved to the city. I suppose they’ll…

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Getting to Know Rhonda Lee Carver (Contest)

Getting to Know Rhonda Lee Carver (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Tiffany Miles *~*~* I wrote my first storyline on a dirty napkin while waiting for my husband who ran into Walmart to grab diapers for our two-month-old. Little did I know that just a short four months later that book, which started in a parking lot, would be my first published novel. The rest is history…and yet it’s not. Nearly one hundred published novels, three kids, a tiny zoo of dogs, cats, one goldfish that we rescued…

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Getting to know Cindy Tanner (Contest)

Getting to know Cindy Tanner (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Ann Dean! *~*~* I attribute my overactive imagination to being an only child living in a rural area. It made the tedious chores go by faster and once I discovered the magic of books I started writing my own. I’ve kept journals of different stories since I was in elementary school, and as a college student with a tight budget, I found myself unable to get a close friend a birthday present. She was an artist…

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Getting to know Kelly Violet (Contest)

Getting to know Kelly Violet (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C! *~*~* Hiya, folks. I’m Kelly Violet, one of the authors in the Cowboys: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. It’s been a wild but fun ride for me as an author. At a young age, I fell in love with all things romance and that especially included the written word. From then on, I knew I wanted to write amazing romances filled with realistic characters and started filling my days with books and the brooding heroes we…

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Getting to Know Reina Torres (Contest)

Getting to Know Reina Torres (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary McCoy! *~*~* If you ever meet me in person, know that if/when I get started talking, it’s difficult for me to stop. Not because I’m normally gregarious or outgoing, but the opposite. I’m also someone who likes to connect with others but knows that I’m pretty inept about it. It’s different on stage for me… While I have been trained as a “triple threat,” meaning that I can sing, dance, and act, I really enjoy the…

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Getting to know Jamie K. Schmidt (FREE Book)

Getting to know Jamie K. Schmidt (FREE Book)

Even though I had been writing steadily throughout my life, my writing career didn’t kick in until I was in my forties. I started writing Star Trek fan fiction when I was a teenager.  I loved the adventure and the personalities. My goal was to be a published author someday. In college, I became involved with role-playing games and my fiction veered towards Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, and Dungeons and Dragons.  But I had grown up reading Harlequin romances and my dream…

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In One Picture: Izzy Archer’s “Something to Talk About” (Contest)

In One Picture: Izzy Archer’s “Something to Talk About” (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…ButtonsMom2003! *~*~* Something to Talk About by Izzy Archer When a grad student takes a job as a nanny to two motherless children on a cutting horse ranch, she catches the eye of her sexy boss My Inspiration… Driving the picturesque roads in Santa Ynez Valley, California, I often admire the vast beauty of horse pastures and sneak in a chance to rub a velvet nose of a willing horse. My imagination roams to the lives of the…

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In One Picture: Reina Torres’ “Sweetgrass Summer” (Contest)

In One Picture: Reina Torres’ “Sweetgrass Summer” (Contest)

The winner is…Miki! *~*~* Sweetgrass Summer by Reina Torres  A rock-steady rancher, determined to give his love a slow traditional courting, is surprised when she takes the reins I love history and culture! When I go somewhere on vacation, I tend to be on the move more than when I’m at home. I love museums and living history sites. It’s so exciting to learn about life in different places. When I fell in love with books, it was with stories like…

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In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “Solar Flare” (Contest)

In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “Solar Flare” (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C! *~*~* Solar Flare by Ava Cuvay  An interplanetary rancher recruits hired guns to help herd her livestock and falls into the arms of their sexy leader “…like a crehdisth worm to a solar flare.” I’ve used this phrase in my Sci-Fi Romance novels from my Heart Nebula Series, meant to give the impression of powerful attraction. When Delilah put the call out for Cowboys short stories for this year’s anthology, I knew it was my…

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More Thanks–and Open Contests!

More Thanks–and Open Contests!

All the authors are thankful and pleased with this anthology’s success! It’s all due to you! You may not realize it, but a lot of work goes into putting together these books, and we take seriously our duty to deliver fun, sexy stories every time! As well, the authors have been enjoying these “In One Picture” posts—finding just the right photo to represent their story, then plucking a teaser from their words to share. If you haven’t been following along,…

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