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Tag: erotic fantasy

Getting to know D.S. Dehel (Contest — Two Winners!)

Getting to know D.S. Dehel (Contest — Two Winners!)

UPDATE: The winners are…Colleen C and Mary McCoy! *~*~* “Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them three things about yourself.” These words always sent horror and dismay coursing through me. As if Professional Development days weren’t bad enough, I now had to talk about myself. Sigh. You see, the fact is…I’m boring.  I’m just a rather ordinary person who often has the great luck to do interesting things. So, I’ll get the formalities over with and get to the…

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Michal Scott: “Put It in a Book” from STRANDED (Contest)

Michal Scott: “Put It in a Book” from STRANDED (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is Fedora! *~*~* My writing journey resembles a spiral that took me from writing for newspapers through seminary and ministry to writing romance in retirement. I have a journalism background and worked as a stringer for awhile. Writing fiction during that time had always been a way to make the world come round right after a day of covering stories when everything in the world was all wrong. When I became involved in the church, writing remained…

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Print is available now–eBook drops Tuesday! And I have a blurb!

Print is available now–eBook drops Tuesday! And I have a blurb!

I just wanted to let you know that the print version of this book is available now for purchase–and the eBook, all 320 pages is just $0.99! Be sure to subscribe to this website. For the next couple of weeks, we’ll be sharing excerpts and giving away prizes! You won’t want to miss a day, so subscribe and be sure to get the posts delivered to your inbox! Stranded Pre-order eBook! (releases Tuesday!) Order print version! Women alone, unsure and…

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Michal Scott: Ida B. Wells-Barnett – Womanist OG

Michal Scott: Ida B. Wells-Barnett – Womanist OG

The term “womanist” was developed by African-American theologian, Delores Williams, to distinguish the feminist theology of African American women like herself and Katie G. Canon from the feminist theology of their Caucasian counterparts, where sexism in the church and the larger society was being addressed, but not racism. As African Americans in a predominantly white denomination, Williams and Canon and those who came after them, knew there could be no progress for African American women in the church, and by…

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Michal Scott: The Fourth ‘R’ – Resilience

Michal Scott: The Fourth ‘R’ – Resilience

School Days, school days Dear old Golden Rule days How many of us can fill in the three ‘R’s that make up the next line? I’ll bet many, if not all of us can. Those three ‘R’s explain why, in this country, education prizes what’s right-brain over left-brain, what’s in the head over the heart or the spirit. But it’s what’s in our hearts and our spirits that enables us to thrive. It’s in our hearts and our spirits that…

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Winter Blair: Bountiful Skies

Winter Blair: Bountiful Skies

The most unique story inside this anthology is Winter Blair’s steampunk story. The hero isn’t human, and the story is an ffm menage! Hope you love this little peek! And remember, you can purchase the entire anthology for just $0.99: Pirates.~DD Excerpt from Winter Blair’s “Bountiful Skies” The captain of an airship and her lover prepare to be boarded by a pirate who isn’t human, hoping he’ll give them mercy…and pleasure They waited on the railing, watching patiently as the…

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Sacchi Green: Strong Women, Fairy Tales, and a Short Story Writer’s Lament

Sacchi Green: Strong Women, Fairy Tales, and a Short Story Writer’s Lament

I like to write and read about strong women.  Probably all of us do, from time to time, but even if I start out trying to write a more submissive character, by the end she’ll be as strong-willed as any hero. In my very first long ago erotic short story (eventually published in Dream Lover, an anthology edited by Kristina Wright for Cleis Press,) the central character is a prostitute dominated and brutalized by her pimp, a woman who has…

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Ever fantasize about a Viking? (Contest)

Ever fantasize about a Viking? (Contest)

Conquests has been out for a while. It was the first of my self-edited and self-published anthologies. It was followed by Rogues, which will be followed by Blue Collar in June! I love short stories, and I love it even better when friends join me to complete a theme-based anthology, because it’s fun to see where our minds go! I worried that narrowing the theme of Conquests to only Viking stories would make the adventures very similar, but the authors…

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The Star – Tahira Iqbal

The Star – Tahira Iqbal

I put a lot of thought into the type of hero that I wanted when I started to research The Star. He had to have lightening sharp reflexes, a command of steel and a presence so sure that you were instantly comforted or terrified. Luckily in this case, it’s the former. So if I knew this guy could take care of a billion dollar jet, I knew that Estella was going to be in good hands. I shiver as the…

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The Star – Tahira Iqbal

The Star – Tahira Iqbal

I’m lucky enough to be promoting two stories this summer with editor Delilah Devlin, and the one thing they have in common, apart from being hot and sexy, is that they both feature a man in uniform. In the High Octane Heroes anthology, due out this year, I focus on an American Air Force pilot in my short story “The Star.” As this website so rightly says, “Heroes inspire lustful fascination.” They also garner the highest respect. To me, there…

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