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Tag: Ava Cuvay

Getting to Know Ava Cuvay (Contest)

Getting to Know Ava Cuvay (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston! *~*~* My Summers are usually filled with author signings, the coordination and travel to get to them, time spent with readers and other authors, and writing deadlines. It’s an intense, hectic, wonderful few months. This Summer, however, my plans were oddly absent. Signing Season happened during the Spring months instead, and I made no firm writing deadlines because I was uncertain what I wanted to write after my May release of What a Dragon Loves…

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In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “SNAFU—Situation Normal, All F***ed Up” (Contest)

In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “SNAFU—Situation Normal, All F***ed Up” (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer! *~*~* SNAFU—Situation Normal, All F***ed Up by Ava Cuvay A sidelined Army cyborg’s only joy is the dimpled smile of a curvy Pentagon admin until she offers him a proposition he should refuse. My Inspiration: Firstly, thank you to Delilah for organizing these anthologies! This is the third one I’ve been involved in, and I’m honored to be among such a wide variety of amazing authors. For this anthology, the idea of a story involving…

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Getting to Know Ava Cuvay (Contest)

Getting to Know Ava Cuvay (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Alisongail! *~*~* What an odd task, coming up with interesting tidbits to share with you, especially as I consider myself painfully entrenched in the oversharing side of TMI (Or maybe I’m not the only one to blurt in the middle of a PTO meeting the fact my gynecologist warms the speculum?). So what would you blog readers like to know about me? Hard to anticipate, since I feel like an open book (and not a very titillating…

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In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “Solar Flare” (Contest)

In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “Solar Flare” (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C! *~*~* Solar Flare by Ava Cuvay  An interplanetary rancher recruits hired guns to help herd her livestock and falls into the arms of their sexy leader “…like a crehdisth worm to a solar flare.” I’ve used this phrase in my Sci-Fi Romance novels from my Heart Nebula Series, meant to give the impression of powerful attraction. When Delilah put the call out for Cowboys short stories for this year’s anthology, I knew it was my…

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Ava Cuvay: Fortunate F***-Ups

Ava Cuvay: Fortunate F***-Ups

The start of school in my district looms in the very near future, and I’m trying to transition from Summer mentality to Subbing mode. Amazingly enough, this year will be my fourth year as a Substitute Teacher…an anniversary shared with my career as an author/illustrator of children’s picture books. In truth, the latter exists solely because of the former. Before I became a Substitute Teacher, I’d already been a published author of Sci-fi Romance with two novels under my belt….

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Ava Cuvay: That’s My Theory

Ava Cuvay: That’s My Theory

Why do we read Romance? I’m currently writing, Tin Toy, the second book in the Silver Cyborg Series, about a cybernetic librarian who looks like a pin-up model, kisses like an angel, and fights like a trained assassin. I thought it would be fun to make her a huge fan of Romance, and associate common Romance tropes with various situations she’s in. Like May-December romances, secret baby, and bad boy billionaire, just to name a few. And, as is common…

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Love in Lockdown: Noob at Love by Ava Cuvay

Love in Lockdown: Noob at Love by Ava Cuvay

Get your FREE copy of Ava Cuvay’s Love in Lockdown story, Noob at Love! If you don’t remember, Ava wrote a very spicy story in the First Response anthology that involved…tentacles! Noob in Love is a sweet story about shut-in gamers. Here’s what her new story is all about… Quarantine should be life as usual for Kyle, an online gamer homebody. But the constant presence and noise of his apartment neighbors is hell for the introvert. He turns to his…

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Where Magic Begins: Ava Cuvay (Contest)

Where Magic Begins: Ava Cuvay (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C! *~*~* Where the (Writing) Magic Happens When this particular theme was bandied about, I knew I had to “go there” with it and take a picture of my bed. As a romance writer, I can admit that a certain brand of magic happens there, among other flat surfaces. While it may look like some particularly energetic magic has recently occurred, well, that’s just how it normally looks. And I get a fun chortle out of…

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Ava Cuvay: Old Dogs and New Tricks

Ava Cuvay: Old Dogs and New Tricks

I have a confession to make, one which likely shows what a sheltered life I’ve lived: Last year, I discovered that tentacle sex was… a thing. And as I shared my shocked wonder with my fellow author pals, their response was always a shrugged “Oh, yeah, Hentai. It’s been around for a long time.” *blink*blink*picks jaw off floor* So, it would seem that the Japanese tentacle erotica, which falls under the category of Hentai, essentially anything that isn’t human-heterosexual-twosome-sex in…

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