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Tag: Romantic Suspense

Getting to Know Brent Archer (Contest)

Getting to Know Brent Archer (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston! *~*~* Life is a journey, and though I’ve hit a lot of bumps, it’s been an interesting ride so far. I’ve spent several years as a musical theater actor, met my husband in a dance ensemble, developed a hunger for travel, and sat behind many a desk pulling my hair out doing non-profit accounting (non-profit can also be a descriptor for the salary…). Creativity has always dominated the course of my journey. Many of those…

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In One Picture: Elle James’s “Storm on the Bayou” (Contest)

In One Picture: Elle James’s “Storm on the Bayou” (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen! *~*~* Storm on the Bayou by Elle James A retired Navy SEAL and a pretty parish deputy hole up in a bayou fishing shack, weathering a violent meteorological and unexpectedly passionate storm. I love the Louisiana Bayous, the mysticism, the Cajuns and Voodoo! My Brotherhood Protectors needed another location to expand into, and I thought…BAYOU Brotherhood! You can hide a lot of bad guys and bodies in a bayou. “Storm on the Bayou” is a prelude to what’s…

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In One Picture: Rhonda Lee Carver’s “Broken Trust” (Contest)

In One Picture: Rhonda Lee Carver’s “Broken Trust” (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette! *~*~* Broken Trust by Rhonda Lee Carver A retired SEAL must protect an old flame who’s feisty and more dangerous than any criminal—and dead if he can’t earn her trust. I often believe that writing a book is much like a sensual dance between partners—an emotional, angry dance that evolves into a carnal, submissive, sexy ballet that soon becomes a knotted tango. Have you watched a couple that brings a story alive on the dance…

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Brand new release! SILVER SOLDIERS is out!

Brand new release! SILVER SOLDIERS is out!

I can’t be more excited! This has been a labor of love from start to finish. Silver Soldiers is the 7th BBB anthology, featuring authors you know well and authors you’re going to love meeting for the first time. What’s more exciting? This 81,000–word book is only $0.99! We want as many people as possible to read it, so we’re making it accessible and affordable to all. If you haven’t already picked up your copy, all the links to your favorite online shops…

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Delilah Devlin: When a short story deserves a longer story…

Delilah Devlin: When a short story deserves a longer story…

If you picked up a copy of the last collection, Stranded, then, hopefully, you read my short story “Quincy Down Under”, which was set in my Montana Bounty Hunter’s world. Well, I couldn’t let Quincy and Tamara’s little liaison be the end of their romance. Tomorrow, you can read the rest of the story! There’s plenty of humor, sexiness, and action to keep you humming along. You can pre-order your copy now, so you don’t miss the next installment! Quincy…

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Sam Heathers: “Too Deep” from STRANDED (Contest)

Sam Heathers: “Too Deep” from STRANDED (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Tamara Kasyan! *~*~* I am so excited to be included in Stranded: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. For the most part, I don’t consider myself a fiction writer. I’m a lawyer. I started working with fiction as a way to improve my legal writing. But the more I do it, the more I love it. I saw the call for submissions just three days before they were due, and my mind started racing with different ideas. That…

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N.J. Walters: “Undercover Lover” from STRANDED

N.J. Walters: “Undercover Lover” from STRANDED

Note: Contests from the last two posts are still open! Comment today for a third chance to win! Winners will be selected tomorrow! Being in an anthology with other authors I admire and respect is always a wonderful experience. I’ve been lucky enough to be included in more than a half dozen over the course of my almost 15-year career. Stranded: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, is the latest one, and my story is “Undercover Lover.” When I thought about…

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Megan Mitcham: Elevation and 2 Free Novels for All

Megan Mitcham: Elevation and 2 Free Novels for All

Billionaires…I never understood the draw. They’re barricaded from the world by high walls, security systems and guards. Blue Collar men, on the other hand, build the foundations we live upon. They see and experience the gritty world and do their part to make it a better place. These men aren’t afraid to get down and dirty. To all our Blue Collar heroes out there, thank you! Without you we couldn’t… A major thank you to Delilah Devlin for collecting such an…

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They Don’t Have Swords…But They Have Swords!

They Don’t Have Swords…But They Have Swords!

Hey Gang, Some of you may not know who I am. So let’s remedy that tout de suite. I’m Megan Mitcham, a Mississippi girl, living in Arkansas via South Carolina. (I get around. Oh, I mean, move around.) I’m a former school teacher who loves all things outdoors. You name it, I’ve probably tried it at least once. I also write sizzling suspense and window steaming erotic romance. The Base Branch Series Serve in the name of honor. Battle in the name…

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