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Author: Delilah Devlin

Delilah Devlin is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of erotic romance with a rapidly expanding reputation for writing edgy stories with complex characters. Ms. Devlin has published over a hundred thirty stories in multiple sub-genres and lengths with Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Cleis Press, Ellora’s Cave, Kensington, Kindle, Montlake Romance, Running Press, and Samhain Publishing. In May 2014, she added Grand Central to her list of publishers when HER ONLY DESIRE released!
Getting to Know Gabbi Grey (Contest)

Getting to Know Gabbi Grey (Contest)

Although I wrote my first romance in the eighth grade, I didn’t take up a pen seriously until ten years later.  In my senior year in university, I enrolled in a creative writing class.  I was in my literature phase and wanted to write a series of short stories for a collection.  Classic Canadian dramatic and dreary short stories.  My professor said, “No. You must write a novel.” I was like…huh? Interestingly, my friend had introduced me to Harlequin the…

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Getting To Know M. Jayne (Contest)

Getting To Know M. Jayne (Contest)

Come closer, take a seat, relax, have a chocolate. The season of all things Leo is fast approaching, and I can’t wait. I am a true Leo. Go on, look up the personality traits. I’ll wait. People are drawn to me. Yes, they are usually a little unique. Sometimes, they are very weird, but that adds to the fun. I love being the center of attention. I think a part of it is because I can tell a good story….

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Getting to Know N.J. Walters (Contest)

Getting to Know N.J. Walters (Contest)

Hi! I’m N.J. Walters, and I’m thrilled to be in the Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. This is not my first time in one of these amazing collections. I was also in Stranded: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, Blue Collar: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, First Response: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, and Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. I love being a part of a collection with other authors. What’s extra special is that these are…

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Getting to Know Ava Cuvay (Contest)

Getting to Know Ava Cuvay (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston! *~*~* My Summers are usually filled with author signings, the coordination and travel to get to them, time spent with readers and other authors, and writing deadlines. It’s an intense, hectic, wonderful few months. This Summer, however, my plans were oddly absent. Signing Season happened during the Spring months instead, and I made no firm writing deadlines because I was uncertain what I wanted to write after my May release of What a Dragon Loves…

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Getting to Know Cindy Tanner (Contest)

Getting to Know Cindy Tanner (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer! *~*~* Confidential and Classified Report Known Subject Alias: Cindy Tanner Code Name: The Quiet One Last Known Location: Southeastern Indiana Background: Clandestine sources have reported and confirmed that Cindy Tanner is published in romantic comedy, paranormal, and contemporary romance. She has a soft spot for animals and currently has three highly trained and dangerous rabbits. Two agents confirmed lethal cuteness levels and advise to avoid at all costs. Cindy also has a security detail of…

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Getting to Know Brent Archer (Contest)

Getting to Know Brent Archer (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston! *~*~* Life is a journey, and though I’ve hit a lot of bumps, it’s been an interesting ride so far. I’ve spent several years as a musical theater actor, met my husband in a dance ensemble, developed a hunger for travel, and sat behind many a desk pulling my hair out doing non-profit accounting (non-profit can also be a descriptor for the salary…). Creativity has always dominated the course of my journey. Many of those…

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Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

UPDATE: The winners are…Debra and Terra Oenning! *~*~* Interrogating A.J. Harris I am an unalloyed geek. Two of my favorite shows are Babylon 5 and The Prisoner. They’re known for a lot of things, including asking very simple, but very consequential questions. An interrogation, if you will. And since an interrogation features prominently in my short story for Secret Identity… Who Are You? I’m a writer. I’ve published short stories in about a dozen anthologies. Some are under my given…

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Getting to Know Michal Scott (Contest)

Getting to Know Michal Scott (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy! *~*~* I sat down to create this post with Rogers’ and Hammerstein’s “Getting to Know You” from The King and I playing in my head. My favorite phrase from that song is, “you are precisely, my cup of tea.” I hope by the end of this post, after you’ve gotten to know me, I’ll be a tea to your liking. Born and bred in Brooklyn, NY, I’m a child of the sixties’ Black Power movement and…

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Getting to know D.S. Dehel (Contest — Two Winners!)

Getting to know D.S. Dehel (Contest — Two Winners!)

UPDATE: The winners are…Colleen C and Mary McCoy! *~*~* “Turn to your shoulder partner and tell them three things about yourself.” These words always sent horror and dismay coursing through me. As if Professional Development days weren’t bad enough, I now had to talk about myself. Sigh. You see, the fact is…I’m boring.  I’m just a rather ordinary person who often has the great luck to do interesting things. So, I’ll get the formalities over with and get to the…

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Getting to Know Darah Lace (Contest)

Getting to Know Darah Lace (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Melanie Ball! *~*~* I hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July yesterday. I celebrated both the holiday and a mad dash to meet a book deadline (I wrote “The End” last Saturday.) by the pool with my husband and two mini Dachs. They didn’t like the fireworks much. We live in Texas where the first twelve years of my life was spent on a farm until we moved to the city. I suppose they’ll…

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