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Tag: Reina Torres

In One Picture: Reina Torres’s “In the Dark” (Contest–Two Winners!)

In One Picture: Reina Torres’s “In the Dark” (Contest–Two Winners!)

“In the Dark” by Reina Torres – During a blackout, an undercover NSA agent falls hard and fast for the military guy living across the hall with secrets of his own. When the call came out for stories about Secret Identities, I had a few ideas and started them, and they petered out, leaving me worried that I just didn’t have a story for the anthology in me. I can also be dogged when it comes to things, and that’s when…

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UPDATE: The winners are…Jennifer Beyer and Katherine Anderson! *~*~* I’m so pleased to write this short story that gives us a peek into the origins of my book Cygny’s Six. Cygny was a member of Homeland Security, and while on the track of a traitor on American soil, she found herself in a strange and sexy situation. Contest Tell me, under what circumstances could you fall for/forgive a lover if you find out that they weren’t who they said they were……

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Getting to Know Reina Torres (Contest)

Getting to Know Reina Torres (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary McCoy! *~*~* If you ever meet me in person, know that if/when I get started talking, it’s difficult for me to stop. Not because I’m normally gregarious or outgoing, but the opposite. I’m also someone who likes to connect with others but knows that I’m pretty inept about it. It’s different on stage for me… While I have been trained as a “triple threat,” meaning that I can sing, dance, and act, I really enjoy the…

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In One Picture: Reina Torres’ “Sweetgrass Summer” (Contest)

In One Picture: Reina Torres’ “Sweetgrass Summer” (Contest)

The winner is…Miki! *~*~* Sweetgrass Summer by Reina Torres  A rock-steady rancher, determined to give his love a slow traditional courting, is surprised when she takes the reins I love history and culture! When I go somewhere on vacation, I tend to be on the move more than when I’m at home. I love museums and living history sites. It’s so exciting to learn about life in different places. When I fell in love with books, it was with stories like…

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Download your FREE copy of the latest installment of the Love in Lockdown story—SUBLET! What happens when two exes have to live in an apartment built for one? Reina Torres has installment #5 of her story, SUBLET, ready for you to read! And she’s not finished yet! There’s going to be at least one more! So, enjoy! And have you subscribed to this blog? You might want to do that so you don’t miss a single story! More stories from…

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Download your FREE copy of the latest installment of the Love in Lockdown story SUBLET! What happens when two exes have to live in an apartment built for one? Reina is back with installment #4 of her story, SUBLET! And she’s not finished yet! Enjoy! And have you subscribed to this blog? You might want to do that so you don’t miss a single story! More lockdown stories from more wonderful authors are on the way! Follow this link!

Love in Lockdown: Sublet–Part 3 by Reina Torres

Love in Lockdown: Sublet–Part 3 by Reina Torres

Download your FREE copy of the latest Love in Lockdown story! Reina Torres is back with another installment of her series, SUBLET! If you haven’t read the first and second parts—no worries! She’s combined all three in this installment to make it easy for you. Enjoy! And have you subscribed to this blog? You might want to do that so you don’t miss a single story! More are on the way! In a nutshell, this is what SUBLET is all…

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Love in Lockdown: Sublet–Part 2 by Reina Torres

Love in Lockdown: Sublet–Part 2 by Reina Torres

Grab your FREE copy of the lastest Love in Lockdown story! Reina Torres is back with the second part of “Sublet“. If you haven’t read the first, you’ll find it as well on the Love in Lockdown page. Enjoy! And have you subscribed to this blog? You might want to do that so you don’t miss a single installment in this series! Here’s what the story is all about… What happens when two exes have to live in an apartment built…

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The first LOVE IN LOCKDOWN story is out! Check out SUBLET — Part 1 by Reina Torres

The first LOVE IN LOCKDOWN story is out! Check out SUBLET — Part 1 by Reina Torres

So, I said this before… I got to thinking one day after seeing so many conversations on social media among authors not wanting to tackle the topic of the lockdown because we like to write romance. How would we handle romances and settings where people are supposed to intermingle with their communities and meet the loves of their lives when so many of us are having to self-isolate? I mean, how do couples find each other in the middle of…

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Where Magic Begins: Reina Torres (Contest)

Where Magic Begins: Reina Torres (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C! *~*~* Every year at Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) meetings, someone always asks me about my process. I don’t mind the question, I love talking “shop.” I don’t always have big blocks of time to write…especially when I started publishing. At that time, I was helping to take care of my grandparents, and there was always something to do. So, I found little bits of time to grab for my own. Up until the “shelter…

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