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Tag: Michal Scott

Getting to Know Michal Scott (Contest)

Getting to Know Michal Scott (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy! *~*~* I sat down to create this post with Rogers’ and Hammerstein’s “Getting to Know You” from The King and I playing in my head. My favorite phrase from that song is, “you are precisely, my cup of tea.” I hope by the end of this post, after you’ve gotten to know me, I’ll be a tea to your liking. Born and bred in Brooklyn, NY, I’m a child of the sixties’ Black Power movement and…

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Where Magic Begins: Michal Scott (Contest)

Where Magic Begins: Michal Scott (Contest)

The winner is…Colleen C! *~*~* When I lived in NYC, I used to write on the subway and the Long Island Railroad to and from work. Something about the train’s motion lulled me into extremely productive writing headspaces. Once I moved to the southwest, I didn’t think I’d find that rhythm again, but believe it or not, leaves rustling and birds chirping in my backyard have the same effect. So in good weather or bad, here’s my writing space. I…

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Michal Scott: Ida B. Wells-Barnett – Womanist OG

Michal Scott: Ida B. Wells-Barnett – Womanist OG

The term “womanist” was developed by African-American theologian, Delores Williams, to distinguish the feminist theology of African American women like herself and Katie G. Canon from the feminist theology of their Caucasian counterparts, where sexism in the church and the larger society was being addressed, but not racism. As African Americans in a predominantly white denomination, Williams and Canon and those who came after them, knew there could be no progress for African American women in the church, and by…

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Michal Scott: The Fourth ‘R’ – Resilience

Michal Scott: The Fourth ‘R’ – Resilience

School Days, school days Dear old Golden Rule days How many of us can fill in the three ‘R’s that make up the next line? I’ll bet many, if not all of us can. Those three ‘R’s explain why, in this country, education prizes what’s right-brain over left-brain, what’s in the head over the heart or the spirit. But it’s what’s in our hearts and our spirits that enables us to thrive. It’s in our hearts and our spirits that…

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