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Category: Stranded

Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

UPDATE: The winners are…Debra and Terra Oenning! *~*~* Interrogating A.J. Harris I am an unalloyed geek. Two of my favorite shows are Babylon 5 and The Prisoner. They’re known for a lot of things, including asking very simple, but very consequential questions. An interrogation, if you will. And since an interrogation features prominently in my short story for Secret Identity… Who Are You? I’m a writer. I’ve published short stories in about a dozen anthologies. Some are under my given…

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Next Boys Behaving Badly…

Next Boys Behaving Badly…

So, yes, we’re still talking about Cowboys: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, and next week, we’ll start a new round of contests and discussion about the authors and their stories here on the Collections website (which reminds me I need to head over there tonight and close out some contests—hint!), but I’d like to begin thinking about what’s next because these volumes take time to put together. The first big decision is the theme for the book. As you can…

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Delilah Devlin: Why Collections?

Delilah Devlin: Why Collections?

Don’t forget! These contests are still open! Michal Scott: The $5.00 Kiss of Life (Excerpt & Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card! Ava Cuvay: The Tentacle Dilemma (Contest — 4 Winners!) — Win an anthology or a cool T-shirt! January George: Blackout (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card! Why Collections? When I began writing, I didn’t consider short stories. They weren’t an end goal. I wanted to write books! So, that’s how I began, writing novels and novellas,…

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A.C. Dawn: My Writing Journey

A.C. Dawn: My Writing Journey

I started my writing career as a ghostwriter. It was a great way to cut my teeth and hone my craft, but the pay was abysmal, and of course, other people took the credit for my work. So, last year I finally made the leap to writing for myself, and so far, the pay hasn’t been any better, but it’s been a blast! I’m back for another Boys Behaving Badly Anthology and have several more anthologies planned for the coming…

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Delilah Devlin: When a short story deserves a longer story…

Delilah Devlin: When a short story deserves a longer story…

If you picked up a copy of the last collection, Stranded, then, hopefully, you read my short story “Quincy Down Under”, which was set in my Montana Bounty Hunter’s world. Well, I couldn’t let Quincy and Tamara’s little liaison be the end of their romance. Tomorrow, you can read the rest of the story! There’s plenty of humor, sexiness, and action to keep you humming along. You can pre-order your copy now, so you don’t miss the next installment! Quincy…

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Michal Scott: Teaching One To Fish–The Liberian Womens Sewing Project (Excerpt)

Michal Scott: Teaching One To Fish–The Liberian Womens Sewing Project (Excerpt)

The saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The connection between agency and self-sufficiency is obvious. It lends itself to more modern iterations like, “Don’t give a hand out. Give a hand up.” Ministering in inner city communities that most of the business world has abandoned, I love finding examples of agency/self-sufficiency projects that show them up. I found one of…

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Kimberly Lithe: “Burning Stars” from STRANDED (Contest)

Kimberly Lithe: “Burning Stars” from STRANDED (Contest)

I always try to use humor in all my writing, even if comedy is not central to the story as a whole. Witty banter is the best kind of foreplay, so I spent a lot of time on the dialogue, even going so far as to strong-arm my very reluctant brother into critiquing it. I like to think the vibe of my story is a mix between the films True Lies and Lockout if they had aliens, superhumans and steamy…

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Ara Geller: “Reviving Artemis” from STRANDED (Contest)

Ara Geller: “Reviving Artemis” from STRANDED (Contest)

Writing is as easy as bleeding on a page, they say. I would generally agree, only adding that it is as easy as bleeding on a page after you’ve donated five gallons of blood, was drained by a vampire, and have found yourself in an alternate reality where beaten tree pulp is nothing but a myth of long-gone days of barbarism. And yet we write. And we suffer. And we love it. Or so we tell ourselves, insistently, over the…

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These contests are still open! Enter now!

These contests are still open! Enter now!

The authors of Stranded still have a few more excerpts to share this next week! And there are two contests still open that you have time to enter! A.C. Dawn: “A Stranger’s Kiss from STRANDED (Contest) — win a signed book! Elle James: “Rescuing Alaska” from STRANDED (Contest) — win an Amazon gift card!

Elle James: “Rescuing Alaska” from STRANDED (Contest)

Elle James: “Rescuing Alaska” from STRANDED (Contest)

I got my story idea from a Halibut fishing trip I took off Homer Spit, Alaska in 2012. The deckhand on the boat was a pretty redhead with some serious skills fileting fish! She was spunky and so darned cute I had to put her into a story. And we’ve seen shows about the Coast Guard guys rescuing people in Alaska. Yummy heroes, dangerous waters—a combination that makes the heart pound! Elle James Excerpt from “Rescuing Alaska” A Coast Guardsman…

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