Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

UPDATE: The winners are…Debra and Terra Oenning!

Interrogating A.J. Harris

I am an unalloyed geek. Two of my favorite shows are Babylon 5 and The Prisoner. They’re known for a lot of things, including asking very simple, but very consequential questions. An interrogation, if you will. And since an interrogation features prominently in my short story for Secret Identity

Who Are You?

I’m a writer. I’ve published short stories in about a dozen anthologies. Some are under my given name, but the spicy ones can be found under the byline A.J. Harris. My first story under that name was featured in Delilah’s anthology Stranded and featured my usual mix of fantastical elements and earthy desire. Any time a new open call from Delilah comes around, I’m always wondering if I’ve got a story in me that fits. She’s an amazing editor. I learn more about writing, marketing, and editing every time I join one of her projects.

I’m also a photographer (which will become obvious to anyone who reads my story in Secret Identities) and a film buff.

What Do You Want?

To keep writing, and to keep finding homes for my stories. I’m a weekend writer. I pick and choose where my precious few hours before the keyboard are spent. I want the results to catch people’s attention and be memorable. When my name appears in an anthology, I want folks to think, “Hey, didn’t A.J. write that sexy cyberpunk story about an artificial beach?” or “Wait, didn’t he write that story with the … and wonder where I’ll be going next.  But, most importantly, I want folks to enjoy my stories.

Where Are You Going?

Ask a difficult question, why don’t you? Honestly, I’m exploring. I’m still working on mainstream novels (and the eternal edits they generate) and wondering where I should take my more ribald writings. I’ve had an idea for a novella. Maybe come fall, I’ll travel into unknown waters. It all depends on who’s interested in taking the trip with me. It’s much more fun to travel with companions. Especially to other cities… and worlds.

Who do you serve, and who do you trust?

Ah. Now, that would be telling.

Be seeing you!

About A.J. Harris

A.J. Harris is a native of the Washington DC metropolitan area who indulges in a bit of photography, spends entirely too much on books, and uses social media to comment on old movies. A.J.’s spicy romance stories have previously been published in the anthologies STRANDED, SILVER SOLDIERS, THE BIG BOOK OF ORGASMS 2, SEXY STRANGERS and the forthcoming SECRET IDENTITIES. You can learn more here:


Comment for a chance to win your choice of a download of Stranded or Silver Soldiers! I’ll choose two winners!

8 thoughts on “Getting to Know A.J. Harris (Contest)

  1. Thank you for the opportunity and silver solders .it’s great getting to know you some.

  2. No need to enter me in the contest A.J. I watched the Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan religiously. That bouncing white elastic ball that trapped escapees scared the beJesus out of me.

  3. I am not a number… 🙂 Thanks for the interview! Did you also like Crusade (sequel to B5) and Lexx?

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