Revisiting BLUE COLLAR! (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is Debra S!
We’re still moving toward our release date of May 9th! I can’t wait until you get a chance to read the savory stories we showcase in Silver Soldeirs, but in the meantime, let’s celebrate another of our sexy anthologies, Blue Collar! Authors really went all out to provide a variety of settings and sexy encounters to prove that billionaires don’t have all the fun! 🙂
If you’d like to read more about what’s inside the volume, be sure to check out this page: Blue Collar
Plus, isn’t that cover sexy as hell? I chose the background because it reminded me of that scene in Magic Mike—you know the one.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, let me know whether you’ve read this anthology or any of the A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY anthologies!
14 thoughts on “Revisiting BLUE COLLAR! (Contest)”
Ti date, I have not read any of the anthologies.
I have not read Blue Collar but I have Cowboys in my TBR
I have not had the opportunity to read this yet
I have bought them but have not had the chance to read them yet.
I have read Blue Collar. It was the first one I read..won a paperback of it in a contest. Loved the stories in there. I’ve read Cowboys too. Can’t wait for this new one.
not yet
All on my list. Not read yet.
I have one but have not had a chance to read as yet.
I have read one of the Boys Behaving Badly but not this one.
I have most of the anthologies…
I have most of the anthologies but have not had a chance to read them yet.
I’m pretty sure I’ve read most if not all of the anthologies–you do an excellent job of curating them, and the variety of stories on each them is always a treat!
Thanks to everyone for commenting! The winner of the GC is Debra S!
Thank you 🙂
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