Getting to know Cindy Tanner (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Ann Dean!
I attribute my overactive imagination to being an only child living in a rural area. It made the tedious chores go by faster and once I discovered the magic of books I started writing my own. I’ve kept journals of different stories since I was in elementary school, and as a college student with a tight budget, I found myself unable to get a close friend a birthday present. She was an artist so I decided to gift her with something that couldn’t be bought—her very own story. The first three chapters were ready on her birthday, and then every week I would email her the next chapter until the story was finished. It was the first time I’d shared what I’d written, and the first time I wrote something that wasn’t for my eyes only. From there, I started writing fanfic. It wasn’t until years later that I would go to my first book signing and have the “lightbulb moment.” I wanted to be on the other side of the table. I wanted to connect with readers and get to discuss my fictional people with them. Then my debut novel turned into a trilogy because readers wanted more. The final book was released earlier this year. It was a dream realized and the start of an amazing journey.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/CindyTannerAuthor
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/cindy-tanner
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRn4TgxX/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorcindytanner/
Question: I am a hoarder…um, I mean…a collector of books. I own my favorites in physical and ebook formats. Okay and, for a few, I own the paperback, hardback, and eBook versions. I like variety. Do you ever buy duplicates? (I can’t be the only one, right?)
**I will gift a $10 Amazon gift card to someone in the comments.
About the Author
Cindy Tanner grew up an only child in rural Indiana, relying on her imagination for entertainment. Starting at a young age she would read books to her animals and started telling her stories to anyone that would listen. Over the years, her love of reading and telling stories grew into the career of her dreams. Learn more about Cindy here: Cindy Tanner.
Her story inside Cowboys: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology was “Cowboys & Zombies”…
Nothing can keep me from my cup of coffee—not the threat of zombies or a double-shot of sexy cowboy…nothing venti-ed, nothing earned
11 thoughts on “Getting to know Cindy Tanner (Contest)”
And not always on putt. LOL
Sounds so good I but it again and then realize I already read it as soon as I start 💜
I sometimes but duplicates of my favorite books
I have some duplicates 🙂
I have a few duplicates but usually because I can’t find the first copy! When my mom sold the house I grew up in she was like “what are you doing with the 18 boxes of books you left in my basement?” 😂
No, I don’t buy duplicates, but I can see why you would.
have some duplicates
I used to own duplicates but im trying to make some more space so if I have it in ebook and paper I will gift the paper usually unless I have all the rest of the series in that format.
I have several duplicates especially from my favorite authors. I love my paperbacks because I can read them anywhere, but sometimes I want them on my kindle as well! Lol
To my husband’s dis may, I do. I have many books.
Yes sometimes i do but not often.
I am an ebook hoarder with over 30,000 books in my library. I’ve purchased duplicates – some by accident because Amazon doesn’t let me know that I already own it if the publisher changes. But also sometimes on purpose to support my favorite authors. I don’t have much room for physical books so I only collect signed copies.
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