In One Picture: Delilah Devlin’s “Hunk of Burning Love” (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Kim Wade!
Hunk of Burning Love by Delilah Devlin
A woman accidentally sets her kitchen on fire while trying to catch the eye of a Texas firefighter
I have this little series—5 books so far—called Cowboys on the Edge. I titled the series that because the small fictional town of Caldera sits on the rim of a deep canyon. I first “met” the hero of my short story in the first book in the series, Wet Down. He was the fire chief’s right hand man and funny, but I alway felt like Benny needed his own story. My hunk of burning love isn’t a perfect guy, nor is my heroine, but they are perfect for each other.
Snippet from “Hunk of Burning Love”…
The bell over the door tinkled, and she glanced toward the sound, a smile already on her face to greet her next customer.
Firefighter Benny Smith walked through the door, dressed in his firehouse uniform of black trousers and T-shirt that conformed to the lovely muscles of his chest and arms. “Well, good morning, Mr. Smith,” she said after ungluing her tongue from the roof of her suddenly dry mouth. “What can I do for you?” Give you a massage? A hand job? Make you breakfast after we have sex?
Her cheeks heated as her mind went places that would’ve shocked the shy, handsome firefighter.
In turn, his gaze held hers for a second while he looked like he wanted to ask her to do one of those naughty things, but then he looked away and pointed at the glass cabinet. “Can I have some kolaches?”
Stifling her disappointment, she smiled. “How many would you like?”
He cleared his throat. “How many would you like?”
Kelly blinked, thinking maybe he’d misspoken.
He cleared his throat again then tugged at the neckline of his tee like it was choking him. “What I mean is, would you like to take a break? Sit with me?”
She watched him speak the words, but they seemed to come from far away, distorted by time and space, because she thought he’d actually asked her to take her break with him, and further, she thought he’d added, “Sit on me?” But that had to be wrong, right? Maybe he was like her and had been thinking the phrase but it had just exploded outward like air from a burst balloon.
Well, she’d never know for sure if she didn’t ask. “Did you just ask me to sit on you?” she said, lowering her voice.
His eyes widened, and he leaned closer. “Only if you’d like that.”
She couldn’t help grinning. He looked so gobsmacked, she knew those words hadn’t come from him on purpose and might even have been borne from her overheated imagination, but she was also thrilled he didn’t seem to mind the idea all that much.
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Have you ever lusted after a handsome firefighter? Do you have a favorite firefighter character on TV?
12 thoughts on “In One Picture: Delilah Devlin’s “Hunk of Burning Love” (Contest)”
I have without a doubt.
Not in real life. My favorite from TV is Severide from Chicago Fire
I grew up around a firehouse, but the guys were not hunky… thank goodness for book covers! 😉
no to both
Absolutely – I used to work with young children. Each year the local fire station would visit with their truck.
It was a fire safety lesson for the children and just lovely for the grown ups. The men were picture perfect.
Only fictionally 🙂 As for favorite TV firefighters, I’m drawing a blank!
Oh, yeah. I have two friends who are retired firefighters and they are both still very yummy to look at. (Don’t tell my hubby I said that. 😀)
I’ve never known any othe the fire fighters here, we never lived close to one. But I watch Chicago Fire and Severide hits the spot
no in real life, i like casey ( chicago fire) as fictional one
I do enjoy a firefighter but i dont watch Tv and i lust after my hook firefighters lol.
No ,I never have
I love this snippet from the story. Don’t know that I’ve ever lusted after a local firefighter…most ive seen were older. But I do love Rob Lowe on the show 911:Lone Star. He looks fantastic on that show & I’d certainly love him saving me!!!
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