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Author: AnnaMeadows

El Vaquero Blanco

El Vaquero Blanco

“… that was the first time Adabella had seen a blond boy, a real one. Everyone in the Rocíos’ piece of the llano was dark-haired, except for the few women who combed peroxide through each Sunday. Las rubias de bote, her mother called them, bottle blondes. But Buckley Carver had come that way, and to Adabella it was as strange as the pink horses her cousins swore roamed some far corner of the plain, though they knew of no one…

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On Shape-Shifting, and Turning American

On Shape-Shifting, and Turning American

“They had first thought the bird was a male—the female quetzals did not have tails as long as a cat’s—but then they saw the blue feathers mixed in with the green, and the gray-brown of the undersides of her wings, and they feared her all the more… Others said that sometimes at night they saw a copper-skinned woman darting naked between the trees, her hair fanning out behind her like a single dark wing.” -From “Verde” —- ¡Feliz Día de…

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