In One Picture: Brent Archer’s “Masquerade” (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens!
“Masquerade” by Brent Archer – After accepting an invitation to a masquerade, a coffeeshop owner finds himself on the run from a mafia hitman with a handsome harlequin.
In the late 1980’s, I watched Public Television with my grandmother on Friday nights. The station aired out of Calgary, Alberta, so it played British comedies (Butterflies and Allo Allo were our favorites!). After the comedy would come Doctor Who. If I had a theater show or had to work, Grandma would tape them on her VHS player and save them for me. I still have a few of those old tapes. The Peter Davidson era of the show was playing as reruns, and the episode entitled “Black Orchid“ aired. The Doctor wore a harlequin costume to the evening’s fancy dress ball and was framed for murder by another person wearing an identical costume—a secret identity! While that character’s story ended tragically, I remained fascinated with masquerades and harlequins. Fast forward to 2000 when I saw Phantom of the Opera on stage in London. From that point, I’ve wanted to throw a masquerade ball. Maybe I’ll splurge on one with the help of my theater friends for my double-nickel birthday. Writing “Masquerade” let me relive both the Doctor Who VHS recordings from my grandma and that trip to Scotland and England welcoming in the new Millennium. When I saw the call for submissions from Delilah, I was vacationing in London, staying at a friend’s flat. The theme of the anthology and the location I chose to write it in only pointed to one possible main character: a harlequin. Unlike that Doctor Who episode and Phantom of the Opera, I wrote my secret identity story as a bad boy fighting the good fight. Once I finish my current two series, there will be more adventures with Lucas and Iain! Stay tuned!
Snippet from “Masquerade”…
Lucas Fox leaned against an ornate banister next to the grand staircase of the luxurious mansion. He, along with his friend David, had unexpectedly received an invitation to a masquerade ball in the mail. Unsure of the identity of their host, he’d conferred with his friend, and they’d decided to go in spite of, or maybe because of, the mystery.
A harlequin sidled up next to him, resplendent in a red felt hat with gold trim and jewels interspersed along the rim. The golden mask with small, colorful diamonds covered the harlequin’s entire face. Completing the costume, the button-up coat and matching, puffed-out trousers had diamond-shaped, colorful pieces of fabric joined together with gold brocade. Whoever wore the costume filled it well with broad shoulders and a trim waist.
“Enjoying the party?” the deep voice of the harlequin asked. Sapphire blue eyes stared through the holes in the mask, and Lucas found himself mesmerized.
“Yes, thanks,” Lucas said. He tore his gaze away and scanned the room. “I can’t see my friend.”
“He’s fine.”
Lucas snapped his focus back to the harlequin. “What do you mean?”
“I saw him at the bar in the ballroom a few minutes ago.” The harlequin chuckled. “He was chatting up a young man in a stunning mask with feathers.”
With a sigh, Lucas felt his shoulders drop in exasperation. David would be missing for the rest of the night, likely taking the young man home and leaving Lucas stranded.
“His defection gives me a chance to come and talk to you.” The harlequin raked his gaze over Lucas’s costume. “You look amazing if you don’t mind me saying.”
Warmth blossomed in Lucas. Not used to compliments, he worried he’d turn as red as the jacket he’d rented for the occasion. He realized the harlequin could see most of his features as the red and black diamond-patterned mask only covered a little less than half of his face. A black tricorn hat covered his dark hair, but otherwise, the fitted red jacket over the gold waistcoat and tapered red trousers fit his frame like a glove and left little anonymity to his costume.
“Would you like to take a turn around the dance floor with me?” The harlequin held out his hand. “That is…if you dance.”
Lucas hesitated. He was not excited about dancing and didn’t want to be rude, acknowledging his programming from an early age. The prospect of dancing with someone in the most attention-getting costume in the place had him on edge.
The harlequin flexed his gloved fingers. “It won’t kill you.”
Before he could give an answer, the gilded doors burst open, and three figures dressed entirely in black with alabaster, full-face masks strode into the room.
The harlequin grabbed his hand. “Come on.”
Nearly dragging Lucas into the ballroom, the harlequin spun him into his arms and joined in the lively waltz.
“I don’t like dancing,” Lucas protested, but the harlequin’s grip felt like iron shackles holding him into place.
“Keep moving. We’ll waltz to the other side of the room and slip out.” The harlequin steered them across the dance floor through the colorful costumes of the other guests.
“We’re leaving?” Lucas scanned the room, seeing the black figures at the edge of the crowd.
“Yes,” the harlequin said.
Lucas followed the harlequin’s lead, keeping pace with his fast spins and expert maneuvering across the crowded ballroom. He tried to quell the surge of fear at the situation. He couldn’t figure out why he’d allowed his dance partner to move him so forcefully.
They reached the other end of the ballroom, and the harlequin tugged Lucas through an open door and down a long hallway to a conservatory. Large plants towered above them as they made their way through the pots, overhanging branches, and leaves.
Finally finding his backbone, Lucas dug in his heels and brought them both to a halt. “I’m not going any further until you tell me what’s going on. I don’t even know who you are.”
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About the Author
Brent Archer hails from the beautiful state of Washington and has lived most of his life in Seattle. He writes stories of love and heat between gay men, finding inspiration everywhere he goes. When not writing, Brent loves travel and sings in an acapella men’s group.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, have you ever attended a masked ball or party? What costume did you wear? If not, what would you like to wear if you were invited to one?
11 thoughts on “In One Picture: Brent Archer’s “Masquerade” (Contest)”
I’ve never been to one. If I were ever invited to one I would like wear a dress from one of my favorite shows House of the Dragon.
haven’t been
No but I would love to dress as a Regency duchess
No – I haven’t attended a masked ball – just Halloween Trick-or-Treating as a kid – I’d wear something sparkly – maybe a “good” witch
Oh I have always wanted to go to a masked party, but have not..
I’d love to attend. I would like to be an Arabian princess.
I’ve never been to a masked party or a party where costumes were required. I’ve never really wanted to do something such as that.
I have never been to one but I would dress as a steampunk inventor.
I have been invited to one. I went as a wench. I took off my mask early because it was annoying.
I haven’t been to one, but it sounds like it could be fun. I’d have to find a comfortable mask though–that seems to be a prime importance!
Nope, never been to a masquerade. Probably something historical, or cartoon. I love dressing up.
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