In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “What that Alien D Do” (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!
“What That Alien D Do” by Ava Cuvay – A cosplayer at a popular Sci-Fi convention stalks her favorite MyFans content creator only to discover his alien “prosthetic enhancements” are real.
As a Sci-Fi Romance Author, I’ve seen this meme a few times over the years, and it always makes me giggle. Current trends among Sci-Fi and Monster romance stories offer readers an ever-increasing variety where the male character’s genitals are concerned. Size, quantity, knots, rings, prehensile, tentacles, scales, protrusions… just to name a scant few options. It’s a veritable “go big or stay home” smorgasbord of peens, which might seem a little too far-fetched to suspend disbelief for the reader. But honestly, Romance is a genre of Fiction, with the Sci-fi/Paranormal/Monster sub-genres even more so. As we authors get to let our imaginations run wild with the creatures and the worlds our heroines learn to love, why limit their physical characteristics to what is “believable.” It’s a chance to let loose and have fun with the fantasy.
My anthology story was an opportunity for me to also let loose and have fun…and play around with the possibilities for what my alien’s D might do.
A snippet from “What That Alien D Do”…
He raised an eyebrow at me. “Who says I’m not in cosplay?”
I shot him my best derp face, waving my hands to indicate his very corporate-Friday-business-casual getup and then waving to indicate every other person at this Con.
“Point taken.” He laughed.
“I love your laugh. You should laugh more in your videos.” His face screwed up in confusion. Ugh, what had I just suggested. “Actually, maybe don’t. Masturbation isn’t exactly a comedy routine—especially not the way you do it—and you’re not drawing subscribers with your witty banter, not that you aren’t entertaining—believe me, you’ve nailed it—you’re just not a joker, or at least, your MyFans persona isn’t.”
“So, what is it, exactly, that I’ve nailed?” His voice dripped with humor. Was he laughing at me? Very likely, as I had a tendency to ramble about interesting topics, and he was fascinating. Honestly, I was so thrilled right now I didn’t care if he videotaped me blabbering and posted it on TikTok #cringe.
But the side-eye he sent me was full-on seduction. I felt that look down to my Area 51 Fuchsia toenail polish and a few other pink parts along the way.
You can nail me.
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About the Author
Ava Cuvay is an award-winning bestselling author of Sci-fi and Paranormal Romance, featuring sassy heroines, gutsy heroes, passion, adventure…and the word “moist.” She resides in central Indiana with her own scruffy-looking nerfherder and teens who think her rizz is cap. She lives for champagne, bacon, and Star Wars references.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, comment with a time you let loose and tried something new (no alien peens required).
18 thoughts on “In One Picture: Ava Cuvay’s “What that Alien D Do” (Contest)”
Did a surfing lesson with the kids, and didn’t drown, LOL!!
WOOOO! I would have absolutely drowned!!
Ava, you would have been SO absolutely fine–it was the mellowest morning on the water, like probably ever, LOL! So beautiful–a bit misty, with a rainbow overhead, with very gentle rocking (I’m sure the instructor would have liked a bit more wave action), but it was fun!
When I rode my first rollercoaster at the age of 10
Our family lurvs roller coasters! But not everyone does, and they can definitely be scary. Good for your 10-year old self (hopefully it was a fun experience!)!
My friend convinced me to try ice skating… it was actually pretty fun until her parents showed up and her mom fell and broke her meniscus.
Oh no!! That sounds like something I would do 🙁 Hope the mom healed and that you’re still ice skating (safely)!
I decided to take one of those horseback tours in the mountains.
My condolences to your backside ;-p
I hope it was a fun experience!
I went to Roseland, never did any ballroom dancing in my life and accepted and invitation to dance from this old guy who did all the work. It was fantastic.
It’s such a treat to dance with someone who knows what they’re doing (and can make us look good 🙂
I’m not a let loose kind of person, but a rock concert or two would say otherwise.
lol… I’m sensing some fun stories there! 😉
tried skateboarding
Wow!!! 🤯 Hopefully you walked away unscathed and had a fun time!
I tried white water rafting and loved it.
I’m not much of an adventurer, but have enjoyed white water rafting a couple times. It is lots of fun!
Thanks to everyone who commented!!
The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!
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