Getting to Know Cindy Tanner (Contest)

Getting to Know Cindy Tanner (Contest)

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Confidential and Classified Report

Known Subject Alias: Cindy Tanner
Code Name: The Quiet One
Last Known Location: Southeastern Indiana

Background: Clandestine sources have reported and confirmed that Cindy Tanner is published in romantic comedy, paranormal, and contemporary romance. She has a soft spot for animals and currently has three highly trained and dangerous rabbits. Two agents confirmed lethal cuteness levels and advise to avoid at all costs. Cindy also has a security detail of three dogs with specialized skills. The loyalty of one may be swayed by cookies. Awaiting confirmation.

Sightings: Cindy has been sighted at author events, including Authors Rocking Little Rock, Hard Rock Author Event, and Lori Foster’s Reader Author Get Together.

Known Affiliations: Cindy is known to travel with two other Indiana-based authors, often referred to as the Hoosier Triplets a.k.a. Hoosier Trips

Potential Weaknesses: Cindy prefers to avoid large crowds but can often be lured out of her writing cave for coffee and to discuss books or writing. She is known to be easily distracted by animals and has a strong desire to add a pair of donkeys to her security team.

Cindy also dislikes talking about herself but is very excited to have a short story in the Secret Identities Anthology.


For a chance to snag a $10 Amazon gift card comment below with the code name you would give yourself or a nickname if you have one.

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