Getting to Know Aurora Russell (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!
A long time ago, in a state far, far away from New England, the younger version of me dreamed of being a fairy princess (who didn’t?), a frontier doctor (move over Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman), and a mermaid. I wrote all sorts of stories, and I read so much that I’m pretty sure I strained the limits of the library of my small Minnesota town. Harlequin novels by the wonderful Betty Neels were my gateway drug into romance novels, followed by Julia Quinn, then countless others.
As a fledgling adult, I was lucky enough to live in Europe for a while, which included freezing my buns off as a guest in several drafty French castles, drinking (weak) beer with breakfast before an all-day Belgian festival, and being stranded overnight by a blizzard in Andorra. Then, I threw myself into my studies at one of those iconic-looking Northeastern colleges where the buildings are 50% ivy. Once I experienced the magic of my first Autumn in New England, I never wanted to leave, so I didn’t. I found my Viking New Englander husband in a coffee shop in Salem, Massachusetts, and now we have two little hellions of our own (cough, cough, I mean children…of course I mean children).
Even while working a series of interesting corporate jobs, I never lost my love for storytelling, and a chance encounter at a wedding prompted me to finish my first full-length novel, which was a Regency romance (as yet unpublished). After a disheartening period of queries and rejections, I took a hiatus, and when I returned to writing, it was paranormal…and very spicy.
My two current series, published by Totally Bound, are both contemporary, involve a lot of glamour, suspense, humor and…you guessed it, heat! If that sounds like your cup of tea (or glass of wine, shot of whisky…I enthusiastically endorse all beverages), my most recent series releases are Guarded by a Hero: Book 3 in the Anywhere and Always series and Mac of All Trades: Book 2 in the Minne-sorta Falling in Love series. They’re both available on Kindle Unlimited, too!
I was totally inspired by the theme of Delilah Devlin’s Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology (older, experienced soldiers are apparently my catnip…rawwrr), and I’m honored and thrilled to have my story, “Handfasted to the Highland Warrior,” included with so many fantastic others. I can’t thank Delilah enough for organizing these amazing anthologies! Writing my story also inspired me to pick up my manuscript for a full-length Highlander romance novel, Wedded to the Highland Beast, which has now been selected as a semifinalist in Dragonblade Publishing’s The Write Track contest, and I’m crossing my fingers that it might be published soon as well.
For a chance to win a $5 gift card to Amazon or B&N, comment with your favorite time period for historical romance!
About the Author
Aurora Russell is originally from the frozen tundra of Minnesota but now loves living in New England with her real-life hero/husband, two wonderfully silly sons, and one of the most extraordinary cats she has ever had the pleasure to meet. She always likes the romantic scenes best in every story.
Her story inside Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology is “Handfasted to the Highland Warrior.”
A hardened warrior reluctantly prepares to release his vivacious bride from their handfasted union…until a sweet, sexy surprise changes everything…
22 thoughts on “Getting to Know Aurora Russell (Contest)”
I love Regency
There’s something so wonderful about a great Regency!
It’s pretty much Regency for historical romances. But I have read Victorian also. If it’s a good historical romance, I’ll become immersed in the story…not really thinking about the era…just the good characters & story.
Awesome choices! I love a great Victorian too…and I absolutely agree with a great historical, it’s about the story and characters!
Nice! Such a cool historical setting!
Regency is my go to…
There’s just something about a man in a cravat, right? 🙂
Excellent! You guys are making me want to take up my unpublished Regency manuscripts again…there are so many fantastic Regency authors!
Scottish highlander history.
Wonderful! I couldn’t agree more 🙂 I adore reading and writing about Scottish Highlanders!
No absolute favourite. Happy to read across time. Although I have been reading some Regency lately.
Awesome! I have really enjoyed reading a whole range of different historical settings as well…there are so many interesting ones.
Medieval with Regency as second favorite – tho I’ve enjoyed stories set in many other historical periods and a variety of locations.
Ooh! Nice! There are truly some amazing authors out there for Medieval settings!
I like medieval and Scottish Highland ones
I’m totally with you! Also, I love castles…and hero’s with swords 🙂
Right now I’m reading a lot of contemporary but I will sometimes pull out my Regency books and spend weeks reading only those books.
I don’t think I have one favorite–I do love how different writers bring their favorites to life for me in their writing. I love Tang Dynasty stories because of Jeannie Lin, for instance, and westerns because of writers like Jo Goodman, and then France and England in the late 1700s/early 1800s because of Joanna Bourne…
Thanks to Aurora for a great post and to everyone who commented!
The winner of the GC is Mary Preston!
Thank you.
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