Getting to Know Natasha Moore (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!
I’m so excited to be part of another Boys Behaving Badly anthology, and thank Delilah Devlin for putting together these sexy, romantic collections! I’ve written over thirty novels, novellas, and short stories since I first published in 2006. I love writing all different lengths—from a 1,000-word short, “A Perfect Match”, in Cleis Press’s Big Book Of Orgasms 2, to my two 4,000-word Boys Behaving Badly stories, “The Scoundrel”, in last year’s Cowboys and “Weathering the Storm”, in Silver Soldiers, and my most recent release from Entangled Publishing, a contemporary seasoned romance, Not Betting on Forever, is my longest so far at over 82,000 words. And yes, they all have happy endings; the world needs more of them!
Love can happen at any age, and I love to write about vibrant and passionate characters finding love later in life. Silver Soldiers is right up my alley! I’m looking forward to sharing Josie and Alex’s story with you! During a violent storm, a stranger walks into a woman’s bar who reminds her of the lover she lost who died behind enemy lines years ago.
I’m a snowbird and spend the winters in sunny Florida, missing my grandchildren but not the snow. The great thing is I can write anywhere! The rest of the year I live in beautiful western New York with my real-life hero who is happy to tell everyone that he’s my inspiration.
I hope you’re as excited as I am to read all the stories in Silver Soldiers. It won’t be long now! ~Natasha
For a chance at a $5 Amazon gift card, comment below and let me know if you prefer reading short romances you can enjoy on the spot, or longer books you can immerse yourself in over time. (And if you love stories of any length – that’s perfectly okay too!)
About the Author
Natasha Moore is the author of more than thirty sexy contemporary and erotic romances. She believes stories of love and hope are important. Love can happen at any age, and she often writes about vibrant and passionate characters finding love later in life. Find more stories by Natasha here!
His story inside Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology was “Weathering the Storm.”
During a violent storm, a stranger walks into a woman’s bar who reminds her of the lover she lost who died behind enemy lines years ago…
11 thoughts on “Getting to Know Natasha Moore (Contest)”
The longer the book the better for me.
I like both, depending on my mood
Love stories of any length 🙂
The longer the book the better.
I pretty much love any kind of story. Short ones are great when I’ve got a few that I want to get through & can do so quickly when they’re shorter ones. But I also enjoy longer ones that may take me a few days to finish. I don’t choose a book by its length…..I just look them over & pick something that appeals to me at that moment. Sometimes I don’t even realize it’s a shorter one till it’s he end. So, basically I’ll read whatever holds my interest…longer or shorter.
I enjoy different book lengths… go with my mood!
I read a mix of books. I have been reading a lot of short and mid-length books recently. I have about a dozen full length books waiting for me to dig in but I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to commit to reading them. I don’t particularly like short stories unless it’s an extra epilogue.
I love all lengths, but do love the shorter stories for when I’m short on time to luxuriate!
Both i do love when we get short stories that complete an universe we discover in longer books for example
Thanks to everyone who visited and commented here!
The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!
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