Getting to Know Reina Torres (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Mary McCoy!
If you ever meet me in person, know that if/when I get started talking, it’s difficult for me to stop. Not because I’m normally gregarious or outgoing, but the opposite. I’m also someone who likes to connect with others but knows that I’m pretty inept about it.
It’s different on stage for me… While I have been trained as a “triple threat,” meaning that I can sing, dance, and act, I really enjoy the first two. The acting? Not so much. I’m always second-guessing myself on stage.
When I was a little girl, my mom bought me a pair of Flamenco dancing figures, and I’ve always had them in my bedroom, but that particular form of dance is not all that popular here in Hawaii. I couldn’t find any classes.
It wasn’t until I was in Los Angeles, CA, and attended a performance and the director of the company announced classes in Van Nuys that I got my chance. My poor car put on a bunch of miles, but I loved it. The arm positions of ballet, the hands of hula, footwork like tap! OMG, I finally found ME.
And my teacher agreed. When I began to perform, he named me “La Reina” – The Queen. He said I had a “regal” presence on stage. So, when I started to self-pub romance, I wanted a name to give me that kind of confidence in writing.
Do you have a name/nickname that you were given as an adult?
How did you get it? What does it mean? Answer for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
About the Author
Reina Torres is an author for whom reading was always a way to escape, dream, and travel to different times and places. Writing was a way to discover new adventures and share those stories with others. Reina writes across a number of different romance sub-genres, remembering that those who wander aren’t always lost. Find out more about Reina Torres!
Her story inside Cowboys: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology was “Sweetgrass Summer”…
A rock-steady rancher, determined to give his love a slow traditional courting, is surprised when she takes the reins.
8 thoughts on “Getting to Know Reina Torres (Contest)”
My kids call me “fun size” because I’m now the shortest person in the family. 😉
As a kid my dad gave me a nickname and I hated it big time! As an adult, my name just gets shortened to Coll.
No nickname as an adult. I was called Pumpkin in high school. (It was the haircut.)
No nicknames. My grandmother nicknamed me Cherie…
Sorry, no nicknames except mama bear. My daughter calls me that
No nickname here, but I love how you got yours!
My husband calls me “Doo.” It’s a shortened form of Doosie which his version of Susie (what my family calls me. He’s never called me Susie and I’m pretty sure that’s because his mother was called that by her family (her real name was Gertrude!).
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