Where Magic Begins: Ava Cuvay (Contest)
UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!
Where the (Writing) Magic Happens
When this particular theme was bandied about, I knew I had to “go there” with it and take a picture of my bed. As a romance writer, I can admit that a certain brand of magic happens there, among other flat surfaces. While it may look like some particularly energetic magic has recently occurred, well, that’s just how it normally looks. And I get a fun chortle out of my wall art: prints of the “Before” and “After” engravings by William Hogarth. Very apropos for the setting, don’t you think?
But with regards to the magic of writing, that does not happen in my bedroom. My Pavlovian response to my bed makes it impossible. Which is why I do have an actual desk. It’s my official workspace for writing and all other things authorly. It includes my Mac, PC, plenty of branded drink coasters, pens, fingernail files, a Diet Coke “thermal detonator” from Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge, my bobble-head Chewbacca from writer pal Kitt Rose, my Han Solo in Carbonite business card holder (hidden), and (most importantly) boxes for my feline entourage situated well within petting distance. Much like my bed, it’s a mess. But that just feeds my genius. Or so I tell my hubby when he looks askance at it.
The downside of my desk is its location. We have a small house, and my desk only eight unprotected feet from the television, where my oldest sits and loudly talks smack with his online gamer pals. All. Day. Long. This has been my life since quarantine began, and some days I just can’t deal with it. So I forage for other places to let the writing muse frolic. I’ve tried the dining room table, the kitchen counter, the breezeway to the garage, and the outdoors under the shade of the trees. All with varying degrees of success.
There is only one location that has been a truly reliable source for magic, where inspiration always hits. Where I work through issues, find new directions for my stories, zero in on the inner workings of my characters, craft witty and heart-wrenching dialogue, and generally solve all the world’s problems.
The shower.
Yep, for a half-hour every day, my mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention. And I can’t write. Any. Of. It. Down. Arghhh!!! *sigh* So I’m forced to take the stance that, if it’s meant to be it will stick, and hope it sticks long enough for me to do something with it once I’m dry enough to get to my desk.
Hmmmm… Perhaps all this shower time inspired my tentacled sci-fi short story in the Anthology. 😉 It certainly helped where my latest release, Tin Man was concerned. The good news is that the best of my showery inspiration stuck for this story!
Contest: Comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card.
And feel free to stalk me!
20 thoughts on “Where Magic Begins: Ava Cuvay (Contest)”
I love the cover of this book.
Latina – Thank you! I love it, too… my cover artist is amazing!
Ugh… Latifa, not Latina (dang autocorrect!)
If I tried to “create” anything in my bed, I’d just fall asleep!
Margay – Yep, that’s pretty much what I do. Lol!
The shower is a great place to relax and let the muse take hold.
Mary – Excellent point. I always figured the muse got a sadistic kick out of hitting me when I couldn’t do anything about it 😉
interesting cover
I like the shower for relaxing as well
Debra – With the quarantine going on, I’ve been able to let the muse really percolate in the shower 😉
Thanks for the chance
You’re welcome!!
I like to think things through in the shower
Colleen — I see that as a common theme, which seems funny because you’re wet and can’t write your ideas down. But I’m with you on it! 😉
Tim Man cover so awesome. Worth reading just to see if the story lives up to the cover…lol!
Pat – I agree about the cover! And the reviews o the story so far are good, so *crosses fingers* 😉
Hugs, Ava–it is much harder to come by quiet space when we’re all home all the time 😉 Glad the shower works! I love that myself!
Lol… the shower, doing dishes… pretty much anytime my hands are wet. 😉
And the winner is…Colleen C! Congrats! Ava will be in contact shortly!
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