Delilah Devlin: What’s Coming? Contests! Excerpts! (Contest–3 Winners!)
UPDATE: The winners are…Tamara Kasyan, bn100, and ButtonsMom2003!
Pre-order your copy here:
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On June 30th, First Response: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology releases! And it’s hard for me to convey how excited I am about this book!
First, I LOVE curating short story collections. My stories, not my stories. I love seeing what other writers can craft around a theme!
I began putting anthologies together for Cleis Press, and “graduated” to editing and publishing my own, with the help of my sister, Elle James. Why do I love doing this work? It’s my baby, start to finish. I come up with the concept, I advertise like crazy to entice authors to submit, and then I get to read tons of great stories while sifting around to find “the ones” that fit together best.
If you look at the right-hand column of this blog, you can see all the collections I’ve curated. They are varied, although of late, I’ve been having a blast with the “bad boy” theme. Rogues, Blue Collar, Pirates, Stranded… They’ve been so much fun. And Conquests, while not officially part of the series, started me out on the “bad boys”.
Another part of what I’m trying to do with these collections is to get all my authors read and discovered. I’ve been in this business for a really long time. I love that I’ve helped authors along the way find an audience. By offering all the collections for a pittance, my hope is that readers take a chance and read the books. This isn’t about making money. Seriously. It’s about being read and discovered.
What’s coming? Contests! Excerpts!
Over the next however long it takes, I, along with some of the authors, will be giving you glimpses inside the stories in First Response, as well as sharing a bit about ourselves and our inspirations. And there will be contests with prizes–signed books, gift cards, some free downloads!
We hope you’ll join us, and if you don’t want to miss a thing, subscribe to this blog!
And to start us off right, I’ll give away downloads of a Bad Boys Anthology, winners’ choices, to THREE lucky commenters!
10 thoughts on “Delilah Devlin: What’s Coming? Contests! Excerpts! (Contest–3 Winners!)”
I have been a fan of your anthologies for a long time. I did find some new authors along the way. Thought I would start out the comments here in spite of the fact that I already have copies of all the Bad Boys. In my opinion, one can’t go wrong with a Delilah Devlin anthology. For a pittance one can find at least one (usually several) really good story. And yes, I have First Response pre-ordered. Looking forward to reading it. Consequently, I don’t need a contest entry. Just wanted you to know, I appreciate your efforts! Thank you.
Can’t wait to see what stories and authors you’ve put together. I really enjoy being able to discover new authors without breaking the bank. Thanks for the chance.
Want you to know I really enjoy seeing your artwork. They’re really good.
I can’t wait for the First Response Anthology!
I’m so happy you can’t!!
Loving the cover!
looks fun
YAY, Delilah! I always look forward to your anthologies! You do such a good job pulling together themes and contributers!
I am looking forward to the anthology
I have them all and have pre-ordered the upcoming one! <3
Thanks for playing, ladies! The winners of their choice of one of the previous Boys Behaving Badly anthologies are…Tamara Kasyan, bn100, and ButtonsMom2003!
Ladies, congratulations! Choose your title and email me at delilah@delilahdevlin.com!
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