FREE READ! And a look at what’s coming!
On June 30th, the next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology releases! It’s filled with steamy stories, and the entire collection is only $0.99!
In the meantime, here’s another anthology that you can pick up for FREE! The stories are all about Vikings, but all are very different and the settings are all over the world. Enjoy!
Here’s what’s inside!
Vikings. Fierce warriors who terrified all in their path as they raided and marauded, enslaved and murdered during Europe’s Dark Ages.
But these rough men from a rugged land were also sailors, explorers, craftsmen, and highly sought after mercenaries.
Conquests: An Anthology of Smoldering Viking Romance will transport you to the realm of fantasy where such fearsome and loyal men are relentless potent lovers. Whether the lady of the keep demands a few stolen hours of pleasure with a captured Viking warrior or the handsome Northman is the one seducing his captive, you will find plenty of lusty adventures in settings as far-flung as Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Byzantium, Moorish Spain, and the New World.
Let your fantasies run wild to a time when men wearing bearskin shirts and shining iron helms could capture a fierce maiden’s heart!
Table of Contents
The Captive by Lizzie Ashworth
A captive turns captor when the lady of an English keep commands a few stolen hours of pleasure with a captured Viking warrior
Ásgeirr and the Tree of Life by Mina Murray
Danger and desire collide when a wounded Viking warrior washes ashore on a remote Irish island
A Varangian Guest by Melissa Fuchs
When her brother returns to Constantinople in the company of a warrior from the far north, a widow finds herself drawn to him with an irresistible desire
How to Train Your Skjaldmaer by Delilah Devlin
A Viking jarl tricked into marrying a shieldmaiden sets out to tame his fiery bride
The Viking’s Prize by Emma Jay
Treachery and desire greet a Viking warrior who travels to the coast of Newfoundland to broker peace with the indigenous tribes
There for the Taking by Nym Nix
A captive is seduced by her Viking captor as he couples with an amorous shieldmaiden whilst she is left to watch
Sweet Silk by Megan Mitcham
A Viking returns to Persia years after saving a merchant from certain death to retrieve the child-bride awarded him—yet never claimed
Little Warrior by Evey Brett
A woman braves a pair of daunting shieldmaidens and her father’s wrath in order to take her sister’s place as bride to a Viking warrior
Protecting Her by Regina Kammer
A Byzantine noblewoman seeking refuge in a monastery loses her heart to an invader when Constantinople is sacked by the Rus
Enslaved by Elle James
A conquering Viking vows to tame his sassy Celtic slave—if she doesn’t kill him first
The Oak and the Ale by Beatrix Ellroy
A businesswoman trying to secure trade routes for her family instead finds love with a crippled warrior
New Words by Teresa Noelle Roberts
An Andalusian Arab poet learns that her new Northman husband is more than just a handsome barbarian
The Needle and the Strap by Bibi Rizer
A young man hasn’t lived up to the Viking standards of his brave and ruthless kinsmen—until he rescues a wild and wicked shieldmaiden from a burning ship