Pirates! It’s here! (Contest)
????????Sail on the high seas or into uncharted galaxies!
When it comes to love…pirates risk all!????????
OUT NOW! Get your copy now!
I had to get that out of the way, because (squee) PIRATES is finally here!
This big sexy book is filled with 18 steamy stories about those bad boys of the seas and stars! And at just $0.99, you can’t go wrong. Indulge yourself!
All my author-contributor-friends and myself can’t wait for you to dive in. This book is truly a labor of love. I chose all the stories and did the final polish. My sister, Elle James, created this incredible cover! All the authors are thrilled and are getting the word out! They’ll be blogging about the inspiration for their stories HERE over the next couple of weeks. There will be snippets from the book and PRIZES! So, be sure to check us out. Maybe you’ll want to subscribe (look to the right-hand column) so you don’t miss a thing!
And something you can do? Tell a friend. Share the news. And if you have the time and inclination, write a review. We’d all be forever grateful! In the meantime, enjoy the 18 stories inside this lush volume of erotic short stories! Bon appétit!
This is the intro I wrote for the book…
Who doesn’t love a good thrust and parry in their romance? I’m talking about pirates, of course. Yes, I wish Jack Sparrow bathed more often, but I’d still rather sail with him than Will Turner.
Apparently, there are plenty of authors out there who love writing the swashbuckling hero, too. When I put out a call for pirate stories, I was deluged. However, I didn’t put any constraints on my writer friends. I wanted a delicious variety of golden-hearted bad boys.
In this volume, you’ll find familiar tropes revisited—the lady disguised as a cabin boy, a spirited miss bargaining with her virtue to escape a terrible marriage, and competing pirates seeking the same treasure—but you will also find surprises. Anyone for pirates stealing treasure on the moon? Or a rugged feline-species pirate flying a dirigible, high above the seas? Or how about a time-traveling jewel thief, who lands aboard a pirate’s vessel in the middle of a storm? Or modern-day pirates, who aren’t quite the scourge of the seas you’d imagine…
And for those of you who, like me, fantasized a differently-orientated tale after watching Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany in Master and Commander, there are three male-male romances, just for you!
In all, there are eighteen very different stories, some following familiar story-lines and some kicking out the sides of the box to deliver a delicious surprise—but all featuring sexy bad boys, naughty alpha males, unafraid to risk life and limb for treasure or a lucky lover’s heart.
So, sail on the high seas or into uncharted galaxies! When it comes to love, pirates risk all! ~ Delilah Devlin
Give Pirates a try! And be sure to stop by here over the next few weeks to get to know the authors! There will be prizes, hot excerpts, and plenty of sexy, bad-boy pirates!
For a chance to win a $10 Amazon.com gift card,
tell me the title of your favorite pirate story or movie!
21 thoughts on “Pirates! It’s here! (Contest)”
James Mallory a character from one of Johanna Lindsay old novel. He’s heroic, charismatic and quite funny
I remember that series! Loved it!
Does Princess Bride count? Love that movie! Also a huge fan of all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Bookwise, I just recently read Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadman’s Cross series. I loved the mixture of pirates and paranormal
Of course, PB counts! And Deadman’s Cross is something I have to read!
The Princess Bride!
I love that movie! Is there anyone who doesn’t have a copy in their own DVD collection?
Pirates of the Caribbean – 1st one.
The first was the best, but I can’t stop watching!
The Princess Bride! Thanks for the chance to win!!
You are very welcome!
Does Peter Pan count? My favorite pirate book is one I read recently by Keira Andrews: Kidnapped by the Pirate.
My copy of Pirates hit my Kindle just after midnight. 🙂
Whee! Hope you enjoy it! And Peter Pan has a pirate, so yes!
I do enjoy the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Love Captain Jack Sparrow.
Me, too! I loved how whimsical and awkwardly sly he was.
I would have to say “Blackbeard”. We had to do a paper on pirates in grade school.
Gosh, what was his name? Edward Teach? Yeah, I loved reading about real pirates! My favorite was Jean Lafitte!
Princess Bride, if it counts. 🙂
The Dread Pirate Roberts, right? Of course, it counts!
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything? LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaWU1CmrJNc
Also the Dread Pirate Roberts, and Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow 😉
The collection’s on my e-reader, queued up for when I need have a chance to read!! <3
Deadman’s Crossing by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Pirateship Down (Sentinels of New Orleans) by Suzanne Johnson
Thanks for the titles, Booklady! I have to check both of those out!
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